Senin, 07 Maret 2011


(Top L-R)  Cleaning my Room, Vegie Bar Love, New Sandals, Work.

This week I was planning to relax. Kick back before uni starts.
Instead however...

I ended up working a pretty solid working week, though it was a lot I am happy as I'm in dire need for funds. A plus side with working as usual is the clothes. I ended up buying a really cool pair of cut out sandals and a loose cotton cardigan/jacket. Soon once I get paid and all I'll be able to start a few projects I've got my eye on.

In between my hectic work week I got time to catch up with the wifeys. Vegie Bar with Krystal twice and a photo session with Yan and Krystal on Sunday. I also took more photos with Krystal on Thursday, I cannot wait to post them. Very happy with them. Annoying note however I got my life share of mosquito bites from taking photos on sunday night... not happy with that....

I finally got my uni stuff worked out. Fingers crossed I'll be finished with my course by the end of this jam packed year. I'm eager for a change, something new. Hopefully throughout this year I'll be able to help create something to do in the future... details coming soon of course.

I cannot wait to go to L'Oreal Melbourne fashion Festival. I couldn't go last year as I was saving and then travelling but now I've booked tickets and I'm so eager to go and see all the local talent.


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